Addon stacks

Container Plus stack

The Container Plus stack is available in the Source Addon Pack The Source Container stacks are what should contain any stacks/content that you add to your page. Using these lets you control how wide / how much of the page your content should take ...

Dark Mode

The Dark Mode stack is available in the Source Addon Pack The dark mode stack enables you to present a differently styled version of your page to those that prefer to use their computers (and applications) in dark mode. Source does not use a gimmi...

Grid Plus stack

Grid Plus is available in the Add-on pack. You can set up some really stunning grids using the Source Grid Plus stack. It takes a bit of practice / learning to figure out how it works but once you have mastered it then the possibilities are endles...

Grid Plus Item (child stack)

Styling You can opt to override any master background that has been set in the parent grid stack. To activate this you need to select the checkbox. You can then apply a background (image, colour, custom css etc) to this particular item. Starting s...

SVG stack

NB: The SVG stack  is available in the Source Addon Pack To use the SVG stack you need to already have an SVG graphic / icon. You then need to copy the code for that SVG (by e.g. opening the file in a code/text editor) and then pasting it into the...

Layouts with Grid Plus

There are countless ways that you can lay out a page using Grid Plus. The default settings allow for a full responsive grid to be built and where all included items expand or reduce in width to fit in the available space. There are times though wh...

Displaying items in a row (Grid Plus)

The default behaviour in Grid Plus is that any content added to a Grid Item is stacked in a column - e.g. if you add a Heading and a button the Heading will appear above the button. There are times though that you may want to display added content...

Coder stack

IMPORTANT: Coder is intended for advanced users and requires knowledge of HTML and CSS. Coder stack is intended for advanced users that want to take more control of the outputted html code. It lets you add content (html / markdown / stacks) withou...

Utility classes (Addon stack)

A small number of utility classes are available as default via the Source Base stack . By adding the Utility classes (Source) stack though you can have access to many more useful classes. When you add the Utility classes stack to the page some ge...

Dark Mode Vis stack

There is a separate Dark Mode stack that applies some default dark mode stylings globally on the page. The Dark Mode Vis stack can be used alongside the Dark Mode stack (or completely on its own) to conditionally show different content to people t...

Image Fit stack

The Image Fit stack is a great, simple way to add images to your Containers or Grid Items and have that image take up all of the available space (i.e. 100% width and 100% height).  Image source You can opt to use either a local (drag and dropped i...

Grid Plus Pro stack

Grid Plus Pro is available in the Add-on pack. Grid Plus Pro is built upon the same CSS Grid foundation as the regular Grid Plus stack. As such, the heart of the stack works in the same way. The main difference between the 2 stacks is that the Gri...

Custom Fonts

The Custom Fonts stack allows you to add fonts from various sources: Your own self-hosted fonts (either from RW resources or on your server)  Linking to Google Fonts Applying different system fonts Adding a local version of Raleway font (the...

Skip links

The Skip Links stack can be used to enhance accessibility on your web page. It adds hidden links to the very top of the page that keyboard screen reader users can access and use to jump straight to relevant content on your page (as opposed to havi...


Large pages with lots of stacks content can be very tricky to keep tidy and organised in Edit mode. That’s where Grouper stack comes in. As its name might suggest, it is a great way to group stacks together and gives you the option of colour codin...

Sticky stack

A stack that allows you to stick content to the top or bottom of the page when scrolling

Custom navigation links

This stack allows you to add your own custom links to the Source Navigation stack